


單字 / 片語 / 句子在不同的情況下可能有不同的意思喔~多學多看多聽就可以融會貫通了!一起加油 

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backmail (v.) 敲詐


Seemingly. 表面上看起來如此而已(是單字,也是一個句子

spy (v.) 偵查;間諜


old timer 老傢伙

single white female 雙面女郎

karma 報應



【片語 / 俚語】

word on the street is...  傳言是...

word has it  有傳言

drift off  不小心睡著

For starters  首先

take a step back  往後退一步

off to a rough start  出師不利

bounce around the globe 周遊列國

word gets around (so fast)  謠言散佈 (很快)   She doesn't want word getting around the office that she'spregnant.


【句子】   ~~~~ My favorite part 

There's no point in dwelling on it.  實在不需要再糾結於此事

We are gonna keep our fingers crossed for you.  我們會為你祈福的

Gotta like a girl who goes after what she wants.  追逐自己想要的,我喜歡這樣的女孩。

The first half comes to a close.  上半場比賽結束

I was hoping you wouldn't be here to see this.  我還真希望妳沒來看

There's a few stones left unturned, I don't expect much.  還有些事還沒有查,但應該不會有太大的發現

So, bottom line 簡而言之

My mom's not really a hands-off kind of person.  我媽什麼事都要插一手

I don't want to keep you, you run.  我不想佔用你 (的時間) ,你忙吧

You are so full of yourself. 你太自以為是了

I am a big believer in finishing what you start. 我是一個有始有終的實踐者

To what do I owe the pleasure?  我真榮幸

Ashley turned me on to it.  這是Ashley推薦我的(劇裡講得是餐廳)

With both hands tied behind my back. 小菜一碟 (背起來吧!比 A piece of cake 還要美得句子)

It's finally nice to put a face to the name. 終於見到傳說中的人物了 

It's water under the bridge. 事情都過了 

Heavens no. 當然沒有!

It's been ages.  好久不見

I 'm gonna get to the bottom of it.  我會追查到底的

It figures.  真相大白了

Are we true to ourselves? Or do we live for the expectations of others?  And if we are open and honest, can we ever truly be loved? 我們對自己夠坦誠嗎?還是我們活在別人的期望下?若我們敞開心胸並且坦誠,我們就能真正地被愛了嗎?

The dress is criminal. 這裙子真是美極了

He came home absolutely wankered last night.  他昨晚爛醉如泥地回家

I had my hands full.  我手上一對事

You could've called her bluff.  你可以跟她硬碰硬

I overslept.  我睡過頭了

You're burnt.  你累壞了

All you did was let off a little steam.  你只不過是排解一些壓力而已 (Daniel的朋友Tyler帶他去喝酒,事後又洗腦Daniel這又不是什麼大不了的事)

Don't let your parents make it a bigger deal than it was.  別讓你爸媽把這件事放大了  (Tyler又在洗腦了)

Try to find it in your heart to accept my honest apology.  考慮一下接受我的道歉吧!  (好誠摯的句子啊)

If I could go back and undo it. I swear I would.  如果可以從頭來過,我發誓我不會再犯一樣的錯

You shouldn't have gone through the trouble.  你沒必要那麼麻煩

It's an empty threat.  那只是虛張聲勢(指威脅)


『 未完待續 』




阿百碎念:邊看影集邊做筆記並不容易,常常看到精彩的地方還要按暫停來手寫筆記(都出戲了...XD),一集40分鐘的影集常常要花快兩個小時才能整理完畢,但是能和大家分享我的筆記是我很大的榮幸,如果你也覺得這裡很棒可以用分享連結的方式分享唷 : ) 複製文章內容請記得註明出處,謝謝。


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